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“Whoever does not inform his children of his grandfathers has destroyed his child, marred his descendants, and injured his offspring the day he dies.
Whoever does not make use of his ancestry,has muddled his reason
Whoever is not concerned with his lineage, has lost his mind.
Whoever neglects his origin, his stupidity has become critical
Whoever is unaware of his ancestry,  his incompetence  has become immense.

Whoever does not cause his ancestry to be abundant then his opinion has become corrupted.

 Whoever is ignorant of his roots, his intellect has vanished

 Whoever does not know his place of origin, his honor has collapsed

Waziri Junayd said in his book called Nayl 'l-Arab Fi Istifsaa'i 'n-Nasab:



How it started- Oct 2013

More than 30 years ago when my brother Munaf Solaiman was just a teenager, he started to gather information about our genealogy. At the time Munaf was living in London U.K. His intial search started by starting a communication with my grandfather's brother Uncle Kash in Guyana. It was the days of no internet and emails, even a phone call was rear for the people of Guyana. They wrote each other by hand written letters. Then in more recent times he started to communicated with my father's cousin, Swideek Cha Cha.

Munaf kept all the letters and all the information the he gathered and started a website about 10 years ago, called Dundee Family website. The site became so popular that Munaf would get emails from relatives he never knew, thanking him for the genealogical information they are discovering about themselves.


The amount of details that Munaf started to accumulate became too much for him to maintain on the Dundee Family website. The Dundee Family website was down for the latter part of 2013. Our family started to miss it, including myself. This new website was started because we needed the Dundee Family website.


I started to develop the database/ web application on a small scale, to just keep my ancestors.  One day Munaf visited me  and said, "Think big Girly, think outside the box". He said to me why are you limiting it to just a few families?  We went back to the drawing board and came up with a better design to keep an unlimited number of families.


Where we are now - Feb  2014

All information from the old Dundee Family website are now here. I am now gathering new information. Please continue to send me any new information.


Future  - Summer 2014

   -  There will be an option to add milestones and events.
   -  Munaf is working on something amazing. With just a few clicks, you will be able to see your first and second  

Please fill out the contact form  if you would like to add some new information to the database or if you have any comments. Explain who you are and how you are related to the families on the site.

Thank You

Khairun Nisa (Girly),

(Aug 14, 2014)

History and Genealogical Links
National Archives of Guyana
The Linguistic Legacy of Indian-Guyanese
175 years of the arrival of East Indians in Guyana – they toiled and brought overwhelming success to their adopted homeland
Hesperus and Whitby List ( 1838
MEMORY OF THE WORLD REGISTER,Records of the Indian Indentured Labourers(Fiji, Guyana, Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago)

British Guiana - British Empire Exhibition, Wembley - 1924

Chart design and credits